Joker review - 2019

Movie review: Joker
October 1, 2019
4.5 / 5
Times of India rating
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English Drama
The duration of the film
Company Name Cast & Crew
Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy
Indian times
Devesh Sharma, October 1, 2019 1:16 PM
Rating: 4.5 / 5
"I don't believe in anything," Joker climbed to the top of the movie and said, "I just thought my move would be good." It admits to dressing like a clown. The Joker is the most intense story ever produced. He will probably keep this crown in the coming days. This is because director Todd Phillips' superhero movie is, and more precisely, adorning a control film in the trash of an art house movie. The look doesn't have the perfect place age suit. There are no creative special effects that can hit your mind. What you get brings life to a dark, medieval city. A dwarf camera that makes the ugly Gotham City look as real as anyone going to the real world metropolis. And most importantly, what you get is a method actor who wants to put all the secrets of his art into a comic book. Take a summer for Joaquin Phoenix, for an Oscar-worthy performance.
Arthur Fleck (Phoenix) works as a day clown and a stand-up comedian at night. And both are very bad. He cares for his suffering mother Penny (Frances Conroy) in the middle and maintains a rather lonely existence. He suffers from a behavioral disorder that causes him to burst into laughter at any time. He is lonely, unable to make contact with anyone or anything, and lives in a segregated society. It's a society that blinds anyone like him. His suffering does not matter because he has become invisible in their eyes. Something is upset when a group of boys beat her. When that happens again. A group of stock brokers want him to work on the train, he responds by pushing them with bullets. Amazingly, this moves between the downward masses that are fed by system failure and the arrogance of the rich. In scenes reminiscent of V For Vendetta, they take to the streets wearing clown masks. There are riots and looting everywhere, but there is no superhero who needs to fix the right things. Rather, the controller is born out of chaos. An anti-hero for whom violence is the only solution ...

Joker is Joaquin Phoenix's tour de force. The way he brings to life every facet of Arthur's troubled existence is a master class in acting. The actor allegedly lost 24 kg to achieve the framework needed for the role.
His Joker can't be compared to Heath Ledger, Jared Leto or Jack Nicholson's versions. Unlike them, he doesn't fight superheroes. He is not a Batman's nemesis or his alter ego here, the way the character has traditionally been portrayed so far. It was a formidable decision by the director to be a superhero in the film and it helped Phoenix to portray the character as an emotionally disturbed, mentally unstable individual who responds to the apathy around him and is included in it. Zazie Beetz is good as the woman who gives him some kind of support. And Frances Conroy is brilliant as Arthur's mother. We wish there was more of her in the film.
Director Todd Phillips is known for his Hangover trilogy and has reinvented himself with such a defining film. The origin stories can never be the same again ...

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